Friday, January 11, 2008

Chesnuts Roasting on an Open Fire...

After the last crazy semester that I had - teaching in the schools and taking classes - it was definitely time for a break. I LOVED being home! I think the best part was being able to see my family. I hadn't seen Melissa, Andy, and Stella since August, and I sure missed them. I think that was the best gift of all. It was almost hard to believe that Stella was real. I still feel the slobber on my face from Stella's open mouth kisses (I got a lot of those and oh how I loved them). It was so fun to see Tyler, Anna, and Grace too. Tyler is looking good, Anna's belly is getting big (in a good way), and I can't believe how much Grace is talking. Grace cracks me up. Oh how I miss them. Maybe I will jet down for the weekend soon. The fam always waits for me to come home before they decorate the tree. For some reason Julie just doesn't want to do it by herself. My mom and Andy took this as a photo op. I'm pretty used to living my life for the cameras when I am home or with the Smiths. Here are but a few from the session.

Here are our family pics from Tylers birthday.

We also got to have girls night with the Christiansen girls. It has been such a long time since we were all able to get together. Whenever we are together, we laugh our heads off. We need to do it more often.Becaue Dre wasn't able to stay long for Christmas, she suggested that I go out to Arizona for New Years. I jumped all over that opportunity. She showed me the rounds - church, boys, local restaurants. I fell in love with Arizona; there is no snow there and that is reason enough to love a place. Dre has so many friends and she was able to show me a good time.

This is at an ice skating rink for a singles New Years Eve party. It goes me, James, Annie, Margie, and Dre.
This was at a game night with some gentlemen friends of Dre's. So fun.


Joneel said...

Michelle, you always know how to make the most of your time off. I sure enjoyed every second of my time with everyone

Andy and Melissa said...

Sweet curtains in that last pic

The McGuffin Family said...

Hi you dont know me but i know Scott and Kristi. I roomed with Andy when I lived in Rexburg. I would love to talk to her. My name is LisaHipwell/MCGuffin. I have a blog it is

The McGuffin Family said...

Sorry its me again I guess she goes by Dre.Thanks