Friday, December 21, 2007

Miss Lund's 3rd Grade Class

For about the last three months I have been teaching in a third grade class in Spanish Fork. The school is Spanish Oaks Elementary. I loved it!!! I'm definitely the best teacher there ever was ;) Nah just joshin ya, but I must admit the kids really did love me. The students were constantly telling me how much they liked me and how nice I was. I got plenty of notes and pictures. On Halloween, one of the students even made me a bag with candy in it. Saying goodbye was rather tough and there were tears shed. One of the students, that is sort of a misfit, was in tears over it and that is when the tears came flowing for me. I love that I could make a difference for those children. They definitely made a difference in my life. I'm glad to have found that I do love teaching and that I am good at it. What a relief. I will miss this class, but I don't have much time to wallow because I'm off to Kindergarten on January 7th.


Joneel said...

Oh my precious sweet child. You were meant to teach. You look radiant in those pictures. I can remember you pretending to teach when you were a child. It brings tears to my eyes. Love you Miss Lund

Andy and Melissa said...

Oh - miss michelle is the best little teacher. (but only because I didn't go into teaching) Hehehe. I am glad you love it. Wanna home school stella for me if we stay in SC? I am sure she could use it.