Thursday, May 1, 2008


Hip Hip HOORAY!!! I graduated from Brigham Young University on Friday April 25, 2008. It was a good four years, a time that I will always remember. Isn't it true that we never know what we have until it's gone. While I was going to school, all I wanted was to be done. Now that I am done, I realize how good I had it. College really is a fun time. The only thing I really had to worry about was having fun...what is going on this night or that night. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad that I am done and I am ready to move on with my life, but I will always look back on this time of my life with fond memories.My family came to support me on my special day(s). We had commencement on Thursday, Elder Bednar spoke. Then I had convocation on Friday, Elder L. Tom Perry spoke and shook my hand! Melissa was able to fly in from South Carolina with Stella. I think this was the best part of graduating. I miss them when they are gone. I started college iwth Melissa there and I was able to finish it with her there. Thanks Melissa!
I might not miss writing papers, doing projects, and reading chapters and chapters of boring text books, but I will tell you...I am going to miss these ones with all my heart. I was able to graduate with my best fun is that! Todd, Cindy, Darren, Noelle and I all rode together to commencement and sat by eachother for the ceremony. They are the greatest friends and I have had so much fun with them. For example - liars dice, Betos, Jason's Deli, Disneyland, Pocatello, Sanchez family sleepover with trivial pursuit that Darren rocked, coke zero, iphones, celebrity apprentice and the list goes on and on. I love you and will miss you til we meet again. *muah*
The girls...I have a few words. Whitney Houston, mechanical monkey, theater room, Betos, fake bling rings, free donuts, dance parties, sleep overs, that's what she said, maverick's frozen yogurt, Jason's Deli (best night of my life), Timmy and Miller, Domi Book Hub, etc. I will LOVE you girls FOREVER!!!!!
WE DID IT!!! Our classic pose.


Mike and Katie said...

woo hoo! I am sure it feels really good to be done! I think that we need to get together asap! Go to the beach? :)

Mari said...

Way to go girl!! That is so awesome. You look gorgeous by the way. I love your hair that color! Only you could look fabulous in a cap and gown!

NoNo said...

oh my mich. i LOVE these pictures and your blog. it made me miss you :(. Those last days were SO much fun!! i wish you were here in europe right now with me experiencing all these cool things. that would be awesome! okay ttyl. kit.