Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oh to be a Kid Again...

So Yesterday I got a great surprise!!! Most of the morning I felt like going back to bed because I haven't gotten much sleep lately, but then I got a wonderful call. My cousin Tierra called to let me know that she had extra tickets to LAGOON! Not only did she have tickets to get into the park, but she had free meal tickets! I haven't felt so much like a child in my life! Emily, Tierra and I were laughing and screaming almost the entire night. We went on rollercoasters, tilt-a-whirl, bumper cars, and we played ski ball for about an hour. There were scary people walking all over, but we got scared riding the kitty rides so we steered clear. I had so much fun that I can't wait to go back and spend time with my wonderful cousins!


Joneel said...

Meeshy, you guys look like you are having so much fun together. I'm so glad you have cousins right there to spend time with, and make such fun memories.

Ashley K said...

Lol. I love the do not sit on the fence picture. It's sad they even have to put that sign up. I don't know that I would want to be sitting on those.